Parents, family and supporters can now become a Havelock North Rugby Club non-playing member and become apart of our vision for a new sporting and community hub! 


We have some big plans for our clubrooms and we want you to be a part of it!


 $5 weekly membership OR $260 for the 2025 season   

As a Village Legend, you are a financial member who has voting rights at the AGM and any special AGM held. 

In addition to allowing us to fulfil our liquor license requirements.  Village Legend supported funds will go solely toward the future development of our beloved rugby club and not towards running costs or administration of the club. 

Village Legends enjoy $5 drinks at the bar with proof of membership (members card). 

We want our members to be a part of the journey to improve our club facilities to help future-proof our club, and to transform our club into a viable sporting and community hub for all of Havelock North, for years to come. 

Membership is easy! 

Set up a weekly debit of $5 or you can play $260 upfront for the 2025 season into our redevelopment account: 

HNRC - 06 0645 0010564 001 using your name as a reference.